Solar Powered Audio Bibles
This year CII wants to share a gift with our schools in Uganda. Solar powered audio bibles are great for kids that can't yet read and are efficient without needing a traditional charging station. Each audio bible comes in one language, CII is looking to buy multiple languages, as there are kids and families that do not speak English. Each audio bible costs $95 each.
Please consider sponsoring for the purpose of an audio bible.
Santa cop
Santa Cop is a local program that CII holds every year during Christmas for local families with not only toys but a meal, Christmas tree and more. Help us help our community!!
There are a number of ways to help.
1. You can sponsor a child and/or family, and do the shopping needed on your own! Contact us below about sponsoring a child or family.
2. Donate! $55 takes care of one child at Christmas, gifting them with one toy, one new outfit, winter coat and shoes. Along with a full Christmas dinner for the family.
3.You can shop on Amazon using Amazon Smile! Visit and click on the drop down and choose Child Initiative International. For every purchase made, they will make a donation to CII.
Help us let kids know they are not forgotten. Every child gets a minimum of one toy and one item of needed clothing. Honestly, it is usually more. One year a donor family adopted a teenager about to become a mom. They not only took care of her needs but made sure the baby on the way had some nice warm clothes and a car seat to come home from the hospital in. it is not about the quantity but the quality of the touch and love CII works to provide.
Doing what we do would still be worth it even if we only reached one child or family and showed them the love that causes us to do what we do each year. We go out on Christmas Eve, yes even in the bad weather, and deliver. Our deliveries also include a turnkey dinner for the family with all the trimmings, "Including Christmas Cookies, my favorite part!"