Dinner & A Movie 2016 is tomorrow. This is an exciting time particularly because of our Decade Of CII Celebration. Looking at it over the years, this dinner has meant a great deal to CII. It has not only helped raise badly needed funding to keep the doors open but also it keep our supporters informed and involved. It is a time of full disclosure and transparency as well as a time to meet the leadership and missionaries and get to know them.

In the past we have always had great food. This year will not be any different. The fellowship of everyone involved is an awesome thing to be part of and it gives new people an opportunity to see tangibly what they are looking to be involved in and be part of. Also as the Lead Pastor and CEO it gives me an opportunity to be accessible to all the people who are part of CII. It is a reminder that the leadership and missionaries are not the only working parts of CII but that we are all part of this miracle in motion.

We have been able to show wonderful video of trips over the years and bring back baskets and necklaces made by the widows and children plus highlight what CII is doing locally. We are a charity on the move facing giants and moving mountains every day. It is my favorite event because I get to interact with people who understand and love the vision we have for CII.

This year particularly for me is a bit emotional because I will be thinking about the years past and looking to the future of things to come. Without the people God has put around me, none of this would be.

Dinner & A Movie is where we can look back and see God’s hand on CII.