Number of children 848
Number of Orphans 382
Number of HIV Positive Children 8 known and likely many more. Testing has not been done on many due to the lack of funding. We also have 1 child with Sickle cell.
Number of boarded children living in CII dormitories 314 living in CII Dorms. Some of the children at three of our locations are cared for by foster families from the churches of the pastors at those locations.
Number of Child deaths in the last year We are very happy to report that we have had no deaths for any reason in the last year.
Special Needs Student Rock of Joy has its first Special Needs Student. Because the school has ramps Gilbert who is in a wheel chair is able to attend school. Because of his Special needs, the school provides assistance to him, which does included disposable undergarments and bringing him his food as the location of the kitchen is not easy for a wheel chair to get around in. Once the new kitchen is up at this location we will insure that children like Gilbert will have full access to all facilities. For now, he is happy to be able to go to school and gets around on the school grounds quite nicely.
As you can see Over these last thirteen years CII has been busy impacting lives for the Kingdom. Our projects are continuing on and there is still more than enough work to keep us more than busy. But we give thanks to God and to our supporters. Without both none of the work will get done and without both none of what has been done would exist.
We still have a long way to go!